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Living The ADHD Life

As anyone with ADHD knows, living life as a neurodivergent can be a struggle. Being true and honest to and with myself has helped me learn how to love myself. Yes, sometimes I get frustrated with myself, but overall, for me, having ADHD has been awesome.


This page of my website is dedicated to talking about the struggles, blessings, and providing tips that give me a little more balance in life. I am always all over the map, but most of the time that leads me to places I would have never gone otherwise.


I am so grateful to have a lot of love and support in my life. For the grace and mercy I am given every single day, and the fact that I can live my life just being me. 


I am not a medical doctor, ADHD coach or expert of any kind. Actually I am an expert at being me, so if what I do helps me...then maybe it will help you.

Setting A Time Limit For Chores

This hack works for me if I have to do a task that holds no interest for me. I love a clean house, but sometimes it is hard for me to not feel overwhelmed. To help me get started I set a time limit (say two hours) that I make myself get as much done as I can. Most of the time I get in a groove and before I know it the two hours are up. At that point if I want to continue with the task, I do so. If not I reward myself by letting my mind focus on my latest obsession (whatever that may be). 


It helps me to break the chores up into smaller tasks. I also force myself to clean one room at at time. If something is in the living room that belongs in the bedroom, I take it to the bedroom and drop it there. I try not to start cleaning the bedroom. 


I find I can get a lot done in two or three hours. I work so much better with a deadline. Telling myself I only have two hours to get it done and knowing the clock is ticking tricks my brain into thinking its crunch time!


I hope this tip helps you get more things done. 

Timer by Marcelo Leal

Self Worth and ADHD

Having ADHD brain fog, paralysis, a short attention span, a lack of focus, and everything else that comes along with ADHD has played havoc on how I feel about myself for years.  


I decided one day to stop beating myself up and comparing myself to others-to only focus on what I love about myself. In the process I also took an honest assessment of what I felt like I could and should change.  

I think I handle criticism fairly well now. When someone voices their opinion, if it is someone that I know loves and respects me, then I listen. If I feel a change is needed, then I try my best to do it. If I think no change is needed, then I just go on being me.


It's okay to think you are awesome-because you are! Be the best person you can be. Take the negative aspects of ADHD and do what you can to use them for your advantage.


Go to bed earlier. Take a minute of quiet time when you feel overwhelmed. Try to turn things around and look at them differently when you are in ADHD paralysis. 


Just be your weird, little self! Learn to love yourself on this journey called life. Because you are special.  You are loved. You are so worth it!

Girl with hands in the air shaped like a heart by Jackson David

Combining What You Love With What You Hate

Like most ADHDers I struggle with being organized. I love organization. Knowing where things are located and the tidiness of things being in order is what I crave but just can't always seem to create. I have to get creative and just do my best.


Because I am stuck at work and can't leave for hours, I have time to do my job and get things done. I hate being stuck in one place, but I keep myself in check by thinking of new ways of doing things.


Here is one example. Part of my job is maintaining employee records. I used Microsoft Access to create an employee database. Yes, Microsoft offers different templates, but no template seem to fit my need. So,  I taught myself how to make the database that works for me.


I keep the employee information updated. It's in one place. I can easily search and find what I need. 


Thinking about and learning how to make my job easier and more efficient helps me stay motivated and interested in my job.


If you are bored or feeling stuck, think about other ways you can do things to light your fire. Because this little light of mine...I am going to let it shine. 

Find Your Fire in Scrabble Tiles by Brett Jordan

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